What is Laser Skin Treatment?
Ablative CO2 laser skin treatment has remained the gold standard in skin laser treatment resurfacing since the 1990s. It is still used to today for more severe wrinkles, sun damage and scars.
Laser resurfacing with the Ablative CO2 laser allows the operator precise and predictable removal of fine layers of sun-damaged skin.
Unlike the Fraxel Repair, the fully ablative CO2 laser results in complete removal of the upper layer of skin resulting in longer healing times and increased side effects. Today, this technology is generally only used in areas of the most severe damage—like around the mouth area—rather than full face.
The CO2 laser also delivers heat to the tissue, which causes collagen to contract, producing visible tightening of the skin. In some patients, this effect of laser resurfacing may complement or even replace more invasive procedures such as facelifts.
The erbium laser may also be used for resurfacing. Erbium resurfacing may be used for mild sun damage. It is also used for resurfacing of the neck and chest. Dr. Tadros serves great success using a layered technique for resurfacing.
This laser light wavelength penetrates deeply to stimulate collagen, treat wrinkles and tighten the skin in the deep dermal layer. The second workhorse in this non invasive laser treatment or ablative energy-based systems is Erbium: YAG laser technology. Erbium: YAG laser treatment NJ, treats the epidermis, removes pigmentation and dyschromia from the superficial layer of skin and improves skin texture.
Historically, laser treatment patients have shied away from ablative skin resurfacing because of long recovery times (months) and significant risks associated with old-fashioned procedures. Modern-day ablative laser treatment systems offer comparable results through a fractionated technology that allows for recovery within days.
The method improves healing and reduces post-operative redness. The erbium laser is then used to carefully sculpt away the edges of acne scars and deep wrinkles for enhanced results.
Laser Skin Treatment In Depth
Durable results, improved safety, comfort and rapid recovery are just a few of the contributing reasons patients are choosing fractionated ablative laser treatment therapy. Fractionated laser treatment allows delivery of heat energy through a pre-determined percentage of micro-pore channels within a 12-18mm spot size.
This means that anywhere from 35%-80% density of the skin is treated in one pass with this treatment. This allows for the dissipation of damaging heat, the choice for multiple passes, and micro-areas of intact dermis to quickly restore the skin using laser treatment. NJ Patients find the laser treatment very comfortable, only requiring a topical anesthetic cream.
What is the difference between Ablative & Non-ablative lasers used in NYC & NJ laser treatment?
Ablative lasers such as CO2 and Erbium work by vaporizing the skin, stimulating the skin to heal by increasing collagen production. In this way, ablative lasers produce more visible and lasting results. Because they penetrate more deeply, there are greater potential risks associated with their use, especially in darker-skinned individuals. For this reason, the majority of physicians have sought fractionated ablative laser technology to maximize benefit and minimize risks with laser treatment NJ.
Non-ablative lasers are less invasive skin laser treatments that work by heating the skin to stimulate collagen production. These laser treatments in NYC & NJ have minimal downtime and less risk because they do not actually resurface the skin.
Laser treatment patients typically require multiple sessions to achieve desired results. A new alternative to non-ablative laser treatment is pain-free Micro-needling therapy in our Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.
This creates dermal micro-channels to deliver topical growth factors into the skin without the need for laser heating and can be used on all skin types. Combined Fractionated CO2 & Erbium Laser-The Ultimate in Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatments: While fractionated CO2 and fractionated Erbium laser resurfacing are usually performed as stand-alone laser treatment procedures, top cosmetic surgeon Dr. Tadros is one of a limited number of physicians who performs them together in NYC & NJ.
Dramatic results and safety of the combined laser treatment procedure have been proven and the latest in laser treatment technology, the Cortex laser used by Dr. Tadros in NYC & NJ allows for this. By combining the laser treatment NJ procedure, patients get the best of both worlds: CO2 to treat deep wrinkles and tighten and Erbium to treat superficial fine lines, small bumps, pigmented spots and improve skin texture. The combined laser treatment also allows for improved treatment of acne scars.
Benefits & Promise of Lasers
Most research concludes that properly performed laser resurfacing can visibly reduce the appearance of fine lines and, in some cases, deeper wrinkles. It is used either on the entire face or, more commonly, in the areas around the eyes and mouth.
Many experts suggest combining laser resurfacing with a facelift or other procedures to deliver maximal outcomes and exceed desired expectations. The advantages of laser over other resurfacing methods (deeps chemical peels and dermabrasion) include greater precision, less bleeding and discomfort and, possibly, shorter recovery time.
The results of laser resurfacing are particularly noticeable after the initial healing and for about a year thereafter. According to different sources, the results generally last from one to five years. (The results of lower eyelid resurfacing tend to be less lasting - one to two years).
Maintenance treatment with topical agents may prolong the beneficial effects of laser resurfacing on the skin appearance. Traditionally, the wrinkles and fine lines which are solely due to the aging process respond extremely well rather than those due to facial movement, like frequent smiles or frowns.