Sinus Nasal Polyps Treatments
Nasal Polyps is a common, non-cancerous condition that is characterized by teardrop-shaped growths that form in the sinuses or nose. These growths are typically found where the sinuses open up into the nasal cavity.
In prolonged situations where the nasal polyps have had time to mature, the growths tend to look more like seedless, peeled grapes. The growth of nasal polyps is often associated with common issues such as allergies or asthma.
If you are living with nasal polyps or would like more information on nasal polyp surgery, contact Dr. Monica Tadros plastic surgeon in Bergen County, NJ. She specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques. Call NYC: (201) 408-5430 or NJ: (201) 408-5430 today to schedule a nasal polyp removal and treatment consultation.
POS and PPO insurance accepted.
Sinus-Nasal Polyps In Depth
by Monica Tadros, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Surgical Treatments and Removal of Nasal Polyps for Patients in Bergen County and NJ
In minor instances of nasal polyps, a corticosteroid nasal spray will be prescribed to the patient. However, in more serious circumstances where the polyps are extremely large and obstruct the nasal passage way, a surgical nasal polyps procedure may be effective and necessary for some NJ patients. These removal procedures for nasal polyps are typically performed endoscopically with a small nasal telescope that helps remove the nasal polyps while preserving the normal, existing tissue. These surgeries are typically performed in an ambulatory surgical center in Bergen County, NJ on an outpatient basis and the individual may return home the same day.
Symptoms of Nasal Polyps
Identifying symptoms of nasal polyps may include:
- nasal obstruction
- nasal congestion
- sneezing
- post-nasal drip
- runny nose
- facial pain
- reduced ability to smell (hyposmia)
- loss of smell (anosmia)
- loss of taste
- itching around the eyes
- chronic infections
In some instances, it is possible that there may be no visible signs or symptoms of the nasal growths, especially in situations where the polyps are small in size, which typically require no treatment. However, in more serious cases of nasal polyps, larger growths can result in the blockage of the normal drainage process from the sinuses. When an over-accumulation of mucus occurs, it may become infected, resulting in thick, discolored discharge in the nose and throat and affect many people that suffer from this condition.
When should you seek treatment for Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps do not always require treatment, such as mild cases with only small, minimal growth. If the polyps form and the individual does not feel any discomfort or notice any adverse symptoms, generally it is not necessary to visit a specialist. For NJ patients who do experience the discomfort of nasal polyps and seek surgical removal, should contact an expert sinus surgeon.
However, in more serious cases of sinus polyps that are accompanied by extremely large growths are oftentimes a catalyst for more critical complications. These issues directly affect the process of fluid draining that is to be performed by the sinus cavities. In this instance, it is extremely important to visit a doctor and seek professional treatment.
Patients with more serious concerns report having experienced the following as a result of chronic sinus inflammation and nasal polyps:
- Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – during sleep, the breath becomes shallow, or even stops entirely due to upper airway blockage
- Asthma attack – an episode of rapid/difficult breathing, and a tight feeling in the chest
- Sinus infections – nasal polyps can affect the severity and frequency of sinus infections and sometimes develop into chronic sinusitis
- Vision problems – nasal polyp patients sometimes develop vision complications if the infection spreads to the eye socket, causing swelling/bulging of the eye, reduced vision or even blindness
- Blood clots – Nasal polyps can swell and redden the veins located in the sinus cavities
Is Nasal Polyp surgery risky?
When determining what method of treatment is right for you, specifically surgery, it is important to remember that all procedures have their risks, benefits and alternatives. There are some rare, uncommon side effects accompanied with nasal polyp surgery that include excessive bleeding or a post-operative sinus infection.
If there is existing pain in the nasal or cheek bone area accompanied with a high fever or migraine, there is a high possibility that there is an infection. These infections can typically be treated with antibiotics, however, it is important to consult with your doctor immediately at the sign of any complications post-surgery.
If the patient has narrow nostrils or nasal passages, the healing process may be a bit more difficult. Some patients experience the development of scar tissue as the sides of their nose adhere together, also known as adhesion. This issue can be corrected by your surgeon in post-op visits.
What kind of aftercare should I expect after Nasal Polyp surgery?
After any invasive surgery, it is extremely important to get as much rest as possible. If there is any noticeable pain or discomfort, it is recommended to take a prescribed painkiller from your surgeon or an over-the-counter acetaminophen, like Tylenol. Some painkillers have the potential to decrease the ability to stop bleeding and should be avoided.
Avoid blowing the nose for the first two weeks after surgery to prevent further bleeding. After the fourteen days have passed, the patient may blow the nose in a gentle manner. It is recommended to avoid polluted or smoky areas post-op for several weeks, as you do not want to disrupt the healing process.
About Dr. Monica Tadros
Dr. Monica Tadros, M.D., F.A.C.S., is known as the leading ENT Doctor in Englewood, NJ and Bergen County.
She offers her patients compassionate care and cutting edge research in the field of nasal and sinus diseases.
Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the prestigious Columbia University in 2006, where she taught many generations of residents and medical students, the art and science of Form and Function.
Top surgeon in New Jersey Dr. Tadros treats a wide range of problems including nasal allergies, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, nasal obstruction and sinus.
Schedule your no-obligation nasal polyp removal and treatment consultation in Bergen County and NJ today. Dr. Monica Tadros' offices are conveniently located near 300 Grand Ave, Englewood, NJ 07631 and 911 Park Ave., New York, NY 10075. You may also call our Patient Advisor at NYC: (201) 408-5430 or NJ: (201) 408-5430 to learn more.