When Spring Allergy Season strikes so do the symptoms, such as a runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing. Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis or SAR usually surfaces during either the winter or spring. Winter allergies are terrible, but Spring allergies can be brutal.
Spring Allergy Triggers are as follows:
1) Airborne Pollen
2) Spring Cleaning
3) High Humidity
4) Pet Dander
A runny nose is the most common symptom that can lead to sinus issues. Chronic Sinus problems lead to as Sinusitis. They fall into three categories: Acute, Subacute or Chronic.
Check out an Infographic illustrating Causes and Solutions for Sinusitis:
If you suffer from Sinus issues, feel free to schedule a consultation: Schedule Consult or call our Patient Care Coordinator at NYC: (201) 408-5430 or NJ: (201) 408-5430